This page is a continuous work in progress. It is a collection of links, tutorials, and notes I reference in my processing workflow.

Basic Pre-Processing

1BlinkReview light, dark, bias frames and discard any frames with significant artifacts.

Rejection criteria:
– Extreme star trails (i.e, due to tracking error)
– Clouds that cover a significant amount of the image
– Objects in frame (i.e., planes, trees)
– Out of focus (i.e., stars appear overly large, have halos)

Minor star trails can be left if they do not make up a significant portion of the light frames.
Rejection Artifacts
2Batch PreprocessingUtilize weighted batch preprocessing to preprocessing and calibrate the frames. Use cosmetic correction to noise defects from sensor.

(Optional) Perform image integration to have a quick preview of what the integrated result looks like.
3Registration Frame Selection (Blink)Review debayered and cosmetically corrected frames using the Blink tool. Identify a reference frame for registering all images too.

Selection criteria:
– Minimal star trails
– Simple Gradients
– Lots of visible stars
4Star AlignmentAligns all images to a reference frame.
5Normalize Scale Gradient Workflow (Optional)Normalize gradients in the image to a reference image with a simple gradient.PixInsight Forum
6IntegrationStacks the images and rejects outliers according to selected algorithm.N/AESD rejection algorithm
6aGeneralized Extreme Studentized Deviante (gESD) RejectionFor large stacks of images utilize the ESD rejection algorithm.NIST

PixInsight Forum
My summarized notes.
7Drizzle Integration (Optional)Creates a higher resolution image by levering drizzle information.Not currently compatible with normalize scale gradient.

OSC Linear Post-Processing

1DynamicCropCrops the image to the desired field of view. Useful for eliminating areas with poor contrast due to tracking errors.N/AN/A
2Narrowband Color Synthesis (Optional)Used for images collected with narrowband filters to extract luminance information corresponding to emission lines. Used as a precursor to creating images with synthetic color palettes (i.e., HOO, SHO).
3DynamicBackgroundExtractionRemoves gradients from image to increase contrast of desired features to background.N/AN/A
4PhotometricColorCalibration (Optional)Balance Color ChannelsPixInsight Photometric Color Calibration
6Linear Noise Reduction

Multi Filter Processing

Last modified: December 15, 2021